My Personal Site
About Me | Family Photo Album | My Pets | Vacation Photo Album | My Resume | Favorite Links | Contact Me

Welcome to my personal web site!

hi, tripod told me to put up a website if I was going to store my files, so I did. This place is a piece of crap, because I'm currently too lazy to replace my real site. here, you'll find out absolutely nothing about me, because I don't care about this place! Really, I'm using it to keep my fanfiction chapters until i actually construct a real site for them, and who knows how long that will take. Thank you, al!

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

I hope to update this page often with new photos.

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What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change. For example:

1/1/00 - Added new photos of my most recent vacation to Italy to the "Vacation Photo Album" page.